Thursday 19 November 2015

Film pitch plan

Assignment 2: Film Pitch
Our production task for Assignment 2 involves coming up with our own film promotion for an original movie that we have created.
*Note: this CANNOT be a Science Fiction film due to clashes with the exam topic

Title and tagline: Don't look back Tagline: One big step to Death

Genre (and sub-genre if applicable): Action/Thriller

Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer): 3 girls take a vacation and stay at their step brothers house and find a secret passage. What they dont know is that its haunted maze... Will they make it out?

Other successful films that are similar to yours: Texas Chainsaw and The Descent.

Narrative structure – what happens in the film and in what order (max 100 words): In this film, its starts as 3 girls on their summer break who are having a vacation in their step-brothers house and find a secret passage. What they dont know is that theirs a secret passage leading to a haunted maze... Will one betray the other...?

Hero/heroine, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.: The hero is Zaynab Naveed, is the villian/ghost/monster, Sanaa Shah is the main character.

Costume/props that the hero requires (for film poster photoshoot): rough, ripped clothes and long white clothing for the ghost/monster and Mirror.

Other characters and their audience appeal: Saffa Jasrai as the evil woman

Target audience for your film (age, gender, social class, interests etc.): The target audience for this film is for teenagers over 16 only because the genre is horror and will be inaproppiate to younger kids. This could be for Female and Male eventhough it has much more scenes then men.

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